Homeopathy for mental health
Anti-anxiety medication use has spiked by 34% during the pandemic.

Homeopathy offers a gentle yet empowering alternative, with no harmful side-effects. For over 20 years, I have been using homeopathy in Ottawa to help my community. I harness the body’s self-healing ability in a safe and effective way to alleviate a variety of ailments. Whatever your condition might be, we can work together to help you find the relief you desire.

Your role in the process is key. The more aware you are of how your life experience has impacted your health, the more my skills as a homeopathic practitioner can assist you in self-healing. By describing to me how your condition makes you feel, what impact it has on your life, what makes it worse or better, and when it first started, you will help me help you. I’m particularly interested in the circumstances and stresses in your life at the onset of your condition.  By identifying these key factors, and how you reacted to them, I can determine a course of treatment tailored to you.

The same homeopathic medicine that helps one person with depression may not help another. This is because each of us is unique, requiring insight into how we differ from others. Still, there are various homeopathic medicines that are more often indicated for depression than others. Here are 14 homeopathic medicines effective for depression.

The homeopathic approach to acute and chronic conditions

Because homeopathy harnesses the body’s self-healing ability, it is useful in treating a wide range of conditions, from acute to chronic.  While it may help speed up recovery following an injury, or treat and enhance resistance to the flu, it may also be effective in treating chronic conditions such as arthritis, migraine headaches, and depression.  This is done by identifying so-called ‘constitutional’ remedies that correspond fundamentally to a person’s very essence, which may promote the body’s resistance to chronic conditions such as premenstrual syndrome or anxiety.  

Is homeopathy good for children?
As a parent, I know exactly how frightened and helpless you feel when your child is sick. If you are looking for natural health care for your children, homeopathy is an all-natural, holistic medicine that bolsters your child’s self-healing abilities.

How does homeopathic medicine differ from conventional medicine?

Conventional medicine seeks to oppose symptoms, with anti-depressants, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatories.  This is because symptoms are interpreted as the problem, to be opposed at all costs. In contrast, homeopathic medicine interprets symptoms as our body’s self-defense mechanism in action, applying what is known as the Principle of Similars. 

Homeopathic medicines are known to produce symptoms in healthy people similar to the symptoms the sick patient is experiencing.  For example, we might prescribe a preparation derived from onion for someone suffering with hay fever, since cutting an onion causes sneezing, watering and burning eyes, and a runny nose – symptoms similar to hay fever.

Tailoring a homeopathic prescription to what is unique about you
I rely on your observations to describe what is unique about you. Your guidance helps me to notice patterns in your condition. What are the circumstances or conditions that make you feel worse or better, such as weather, food, or times of day that makes things worse or better. Being holistic, I’m also interested in how your condition may affect your moods, appetite, sleep, etc.

Star-studded medicine
Did you know that some of the world’s most famous people use and appreciate homeopathic medicine? Among them, Sir Paul McCartney and Usain Bolt. Germany’s national football team and its top two professional leagues are also known to use natural remedies to help recover from injuries, keeping their players healthy and fit. 

Why is homeopathy the “Royal medicine”?
Because the entire royal family puts its faith in homeopathy.  Queen Elizabeth travelled everywhere with her homeopathic remedy kit. The Queen Mother relied on it, and she lived to 101. Prince Charles continues to back it, recently becoming the patron of the Royal Faculty of Homeopathy. Whatever arguments rage between supporters and sceptics on the value of homeopathy, the royals have sided firmly, though privately, with its supporters. 


image of a dragonfly and purple flowers

The value of symptoms

For me, symptoms, such as pain, represent the valuable clues our body produces. They can help us uncover what is at the root of the imbalance that is contributing to our dis-ease.  They can also help us find out what might assist the body in restoring balance. 


You might wonder why you should take something known to invoke the symptoms you’re already suffering from. While the Principle of Similars is paradoxical, it begins to make sense when you interpret symptoms as a message the body produces, indicating imbalance. While the body’s ability to heal itself is suppressed when using drugs that merely oppose symptoms, it is activated and harnessed by the use of substances based on the principle of ‘Similars.’

What is unique about you?
One size rarely fits all. Homeopathic treatment works by tailoring a treatment to the individual.  There are over 3,000 remedies to choose from, derived from the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.  Choosing the right one relies on how well I understand what is unique about you.  Not everyone suffering from hay fever will get the same prescription.  It depends on your particular experience of hay fever, and how you differ from others with the same condition.

Initial visit, and follow-ups
An initial homeopathic visit can last up to two hours. A follow-up visit three weeks later serves to assess progress, while helping refine my understanding of you, leading to better health. 

For more information
To read more about how you can feel better, check out my articles about Homeopathy.

To learn more about weight loss and greater well-being, contact me for a free 20-minute introductory consultation.