I offer a free 20-minute consultation (in-person or on skype). Ask me questions and learn about treatment options to start feeling better.
Full Circle Healing
270 Fifth Ave Ottawa, Ontario
270 Fifth Ave Ottawa, Ontario
Julek Meissner, Homeopathy Rocks
Dr. Julek Meissner, Homeopath, Naturopathic Doctor (Ret) works from his home office Full Circle Healing in Ottawa. He has over 35 years of experience in holistic health care, and also offers weight loss coaching, and mindfulness based stress management.
Here's your chance to be an even better Ecowarrior! Coming this Sunday to the Glebe Community Centre, learn about sustainable lifestyle choices that can help reduce the garbage we tend to create. We're all in this together!
I didn't realize that over 10 million Canadians used homeopathic medicine in 2022.
Survey on Homeopathy awareness and usage in Canada: 10.3 million Canadians used homeopathy in 2022
/CNW/ - This is one of the data from a recent survey on homeopathy, its perception and usage in Canada, conducted by Harris Interactive1 and presented by the...
It's the season for apple picking, and I'm wondering how many apple trees there are in Canada's capital that aren't being foraged?
Foraging helped me discover a world of free fruits and veggies
In an ever modernizing world, foraging provides an opportunity to recall the simplicity of survival. All the things I thought I needed pale in comparison to a delicious piece of neglected fruit.