Over 35 years experience in holistic health care

Witnessing the wonders of the body and its capacity for self healing and greater well-being is what inspires me most as a natural health care practitioner in private practice in Ottawa.  I am happy to say that after more than 35 years of experience in holistic health care, I feel as passionate about helping people heal today as I did when I first began my career.

Is there a pattern in your self-healing abilities?

Behind every person who comes to see me in search of healing is a mystery and together we can find clues to help enhance their well-being.  I love listening and creatively piecing together seemingly unrelated elements in order to help my patients see new linkages in their body-mind-spirit connections.  By using this holistic approach, we can shed light on old dysfunctional habits to facilitate a transformation to self healing.

Dr. Julek Meissner, N.D. (Ret), HOM, Weight Loss Coach
Dr. Julek Meissner
Homeopath, N.D. (Ret)

Lifestyle matters for self healing and greater well-being

From an early age, I was interested in our body’s self-healing abilities.  I discovered how attitude and lifestyle choices affect our well-being.  Eating well, exercising, and practicing mindfulness are all lifestyle choices that have helped me stay healthy and at peace throughout my life.

When I first learning about naturopathic and homeopathic medicine, it was a life-changing experience for me. I was hooked!  In 1983, I received my degree in naturopathy from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

Weight loss in Ottawa

For the past 20 years, I have practiced homeopathic medicine in Ottawa. In that time, I have deepened my knowledge and skills through voracious reading and ongoing professional development. To these skills, I have added weight loss coaching in Ottawa. With over 5 million Canadians suffering from weight problems and so many weight loss methods to choose from, I felt it was important to learn more about helping people lose weight. I offer support through a nutritional lifestyle program called Metabolic Balance.

Metabolic Balance relies on a blood analysis that measures 36 values, such as thyroid, cholesterol, inflammatory markers, and lipid levels. This analysis combines with your personal data and food preferences to form the basis of your personalized Metabolic Balance nutrition plan. Together, we select appropriate foods to optimally support your metabolic equilibrium.  This helps to promote and maintain improved vitality, while detoxing your body and managing your weight efficiently.
Dr. Julek Meissner, in Africa, with a herd of elephants

To learn more about weight loss and greater well-being, contact me for a free 20-minute introductory consultation.